Blackberry screen shots
I found some software (free) that allows you to screen cast your blackberry phone. It can take stills like the one you see above. which is of the Geocache navigator. Or it allows you to record video like you see below See how fun that is. Now if i only had a reason to screen…
Going to the Neighbors
Tonight we are going to the neighbors for dinner. They invited us over since julie is working tonight. They figured I would like to get a good home cooked meal. I am over there right now i will let you know how it is later.
Micah-boy’s first ftf
Micah-boy’s first ftf Today we went for a cache that was published this morning. We got to the sight and I looked and couldn’t find it. Micah then said "found it" micah is two years old and truely has an FTF. Congrats bubba boy
Podcasating and pictures
Talking about julie podcasting Mobile post sent by xpunkx using Utterz. Replies. mp3
Ok even more picts
Thats it for the caching pictures i promise!
More WWFM III picts
Here are some more picts just for you
some pictures from saturdays caching
I will first start off with a movie because i like it. now on to pictures
WWFM III audio
I was able to get a few audio bits from the WWFM and here they are drop.io: simple private sharing drop.io: simple private sharing drop.io: simple private sharing drop.io: simple private sharing
Flash mob
Right now the WWFM III is starting. It is a 15 minute geocaching event. We are having fun. It is just Micah-boy and Eli-dangerous with me today because julie had to work 🙁 but we are hopefully going to get some caching in. I am going to try and get some audio from the mob…
Micah mow
Micah mow Micah got a new play mower and here it is. He is enjoying playing with it and making bubbles. How innocient kids are