This weekend
This weekend was fun we went to the shedd aquarium in Chicago. we drove in. micah had tons of fun. then we tried to do a few caches…we only hit one…but it as fun. Then yesterday after church and a nap micah went in the sprinkler here are picts Oh by the way… these picts…
This weekend
This weekend was fun…well i got my video editing project done…well done for proof. i will need to tweak it once the client sees it. Sunday after church we went caching we hit two caches GCKPRK and GCX0JE and we also placed a new cache too GC16BD6 – Lets go for a walk son I…
My video camera sits all alone for so many months….then all in a few days it gets used so much that it is happy again. I have been asked to produce a video for a school around here to raise money. I have also been asked to produce a wedding video. and then my sister-in-law…
This weekend
This weekend we went to a wedding and on the way home hit two caches in Michigan. the caches we hit were GCD93F and GCXFZM5 we are now up to 193 caches our goal is 200 by the end of summer….and i know that i wont have a problem doing that..
Heart surgery on the internet and MSCONFIG
Stupid work order: http://tinyurl.com/2fudzg
Share your iTunes Music
Hey have your ever wanted to share your music that you have and listen to your friends music. There is a progam from simplifymedia.com it allows your to share your music with your friends or even your self at work or whatever. if you join….My name is xpunxk add me and we can share music
Blood Given
The above picture is from yesterday when i gave blood. yes blood i gave blood. They had trouble finding my vein but they found it and that wont stop me from giving again. It was fun. And i got to talk about my kids and wife to the people taking my blood
and that…
Give Blood
Today i am going after work to give blood. This is the second time that i have given blood. It is fun to do…dosnt cost you anything and you help save lives. I would encourage anyone who hasnt given blood or has not in a while to call your local red cross office and schedule…
Long week
Long week This week I have been getting up and going to work at 6am and working till 4:30 I was so tired and so today Julie talked me into going in at 8 and so I did and it felt good to sleep in.
Sitting thinking
Sitting thinking I am downtown sitting at 808 just thinking and waiting for bible study. It is great being a dad. And it is great to be a dad of two kids. I don’t know how people can have kids and then not want them. I understand that it might be better for some kids…