QR Code
I just learned about QR code so i thought i would blog about it.. errr in it
Icey drive with the gps
Discover Simple, Private Sharing at Drop.io Click for the GPSr track file gpx This past friday i was driving from my parents house to work and it was so icey i saw so many cars slipped off the raod. above you will see a screen shot of the track log and my avg speed and…
day After Christmas
Mobile post sent by xpunkx using Utterli. Replies. mp3
It is funny when you get use to a GPSr it takes you a while to get use to a new one. I have been trying out the the Delorme PN-40 and while i do like most of the things on it there are some things that i dont like. I will talk about that…
Giving Blood
Today we are giving blood. It is fun we get to save peoples life and have fun at it at the same time. If you have never given blood you should think about it. I didnt think i would like it becasuse i dont like needles but you know what i found out that i…
Exodus weekend service
This weekend the women of exodus community gave the message. I thought it went well. they did a great job. If you want to listen to it click here. After this the men of cooked a great breakfast. I love the community that we have at exodus. The great thing about being a smaller group…
Today i switched hours with a co worker and it was great. He needed to be off in the morning so i came in at the time he normally comes in at which is 9:00 Am it is great to be able to get off of work at 5:30 PM i wish i could do…
I was mean
I was mean I was not nice to my wife this weekend. Not sure why …but got In arguments that didn’t even need to be had but got in them and still didn’t give up. I need to start thinking more about my wife’s feelings. Sorry Julie that I haven’t done that lately.
Now What
Barak is the prez now what.
Favorite SNL Skit from this years election
This is my favorite skit from Saturday Night Live about this years election