Sitin and thinkin

Last night i had a camp fire out back of my house. i just went back there and lit a fire and the neighbor kid came over and i enjoyed that. you see Joey’s dad well i am not even sure who his dad is. I know he has one but i am not sure who he is. There is a guy that lives at their house but he isnt his dad. That is even a messed up situation. see that guy (who is the moms boyfriend)and a 16 year old neighbor hood girl have been out “talking” alone and the lady just thinks that the girl and this guy are just talking RIGHT well any way off subject…(us ADD kids have a way of doing that) but any way Joey came over and sat down and we talked. Joey is starving for good male attention in his live. So we sat for a little bit. Then his mom came out and said “joey get in the house it is time for you to come in. And it was late but then i heard her say ” you dont even know them” Yeah Ashly he does. You dont know us. and maybe that is our fault because we havnt introduced our selves but joey does he has been in our yard before. and you yelled at him then too. well i guess it is time to go introduce our selves.

Well anyway. after that julie came out for a while and then went back in. then i got some time to ponder the wonders of God. over all it was a good fire.


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