Category: Uncategorized

  • Rain

    So that storm that you see above. I was about ready to run to my car to go to work this morning when i looked out and saw what looked like someone may have broken my drivers side window because i didnt see the window. I then proceeded to notice that my sun roof was…

  • Camping

    This past weekend we (our family) went to camp at ROCC. The above picture is from that. Micah is hanging on the tent that my parents set up. We didnt spent the night because julie wasnt feeling well.

  • Everything Lehman #30

    Gabcast! Everything Lehman #30

  • Sitin and thinkin

    Last night i had a camp fire out back of my house. i just went back there and lit a fire and the neighbor kid came over and i enjoyed that. you see Joey’s dad well i am not even sure who his dad is. I know he has one but i am not sure…

  • Cache run

    Dad and i went on a cache run on Saturday it is basically where you try and hit as many caches as you can it was fun and it pooped us out but it was great and it was a great birthday. it was my birthday on Saturday. we hit 53 caches. that is the…

  • Tractor pull

    Last night we went to the tractor pull and it was fun. The picture in this post was a Canadian who just after this picture was taken he messed his engine up. Liquid everywhere!!!!!!! Tommorow we do our cache run….we are trying for 100 caches in a day we will see how it goes Also…

  • unexpectedness

    man it is always good when God provides. my boss just walked in and gave me an unexpected check that was way more than i could have ever imagined

  • Blood

    Giving blood was so easy. getting a tattoo was worse. with blood they only stick you once maybe twice…tattoos are all the time. I want to give blood all the time now…it is fun. Everyone can do it.

  • Give Blood

    So i signed up to give blood tomorrow. I did this because i know that my mom has needed blood before and so i thought that i should give blood and if i ever needed it i would want someone to have given blood. but see i dont like needles i hope i dont pass…

  • Spring hill

    This weekend we are going to spring hill to see kim and lisa. it is kims birthday so we are going to see her. i cant wait. maybe maybe a cache or two.