web site ideas
If you are a web designer you know how hard it is to get good ideas. you see something that is cool on the web and think hey i need to remember that for the next time that i have a project that i need to design something. Now when it comes time to design…
windows updates
One of our clients brought his laptop in yesterday and said. the windows updates are all failing to install. hmmm. so i found the folder that they install to and renamed that. which is a pain because you cant do that while windows is running. so i had to use Winternals ERD Commander 2005 (which…
Valentines Last night we went out to dinner for valentines with our small group. It was fun. Then we went to Joel and jackies house and that was fun.
Lent reading
WEDNESDAY 2.13.08 – LAMENTATIONS 5:15–22Joy is gone from our hearts; our dancing has turned to mourning. The crown hasfallen from our head. Woe to us, for we have sinned! Because of this our hearts arefaint, because of these things our eyes grow dim for Mount Zion, which lies deso-late, with jackals prowling over it. You,…
I was sick this weekend. Saturday i wasnt feeling good near the end of the day then i got the flew and was sick all Sunday. All i wanted to do was sleep today i am feeling better. In other news i heard today that Apple is dropping prices on iphones and ipods with in…
iPod touch
My ipod touch came today! whoo hoo below you will find unboxing picts I am so excited. right now i am doing the software update. then i am going to play with it! whoo hoo …I cant wait…. i will let you know more about what i like. I dont have the new features yet…
Managing your podcast list
I have a computer at home and at work both have itunes and the reason that i do this is because the iPod that i have dosnt do video and i like watching video podcasts. so i watch the video podcasts at work while i listen to the audio ones on my way to work.…
Last night teaching meeting
I have started attending teaching meetings for eXodus community. Last night was my first night going to them. It was fun and interesting. It was great to be able to hear about how the teachers are thinking about cretin subjects and how they come to that. It is good for me because it is helping…
Macro worked
The GSAK macro worked! Last night my computer at midnight ran gsak checked my Email. Downloaded the PQ. Ran the stats macro then emailed the results to blogger and created a new blog post! There are some things to fix though. I saw the time was strange and i also need to implement the code…
Macro finished and auto updating Mobile post sent by xpunkx using Utterz. Replies. mp3